EndoLab - Implant Testing Services Implant Testing

News  10.09.2024

New ASTM F3631-24 cage impact tester ready!

The new spinal cage impact test published as ASTM F3631-24 earlier this year evaluates how durable cages are to withstand the impact during insertion. We have successfully built a set-up to test according to this standard and have included it into our accredited scope.

The standard is the first to
🗸 evaluate the IBFD and inserter tool as an assembly
🗸 introduce impact testing to simulate the insertion forces occurring during surgery
🗸 allow comparative evaluation of different IBFD assemblies
🗸 replicate intra-operative surgical techniques

This standard may impact your work by:

  • You may need to incorporate these testing protocols into your design validation process
  • The results from these tests could influence your design decisions and iterative improvements
  • It may affect how you approach the development of both the IBFD and its inserter tool as an integrated system

If you have any questions about the standard or would like to schedule testing, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We are always happy to help.